Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Best pet-hair remover for clothes?

I have a dog (mainly white hair) and a cat (black-haired) so my clothes are constantly covered with their hair! It's annoying, because even when they come right out of the dryer after being washed, they still have hair on them. What is the best lint roller or other remover you have used to take pet hair off of your clothes? Thanks!

Best pet-hair remover for clothes?

I have 3 golden retrievers - so I know all about hair!

I just use those sticky roller things - but we have them all over the house. I keep one on a shelf in the garage, so we can all roller off before we get in the car for work. They work well, are cheap, and you can keep them everywhere!

Best pet-hair remover for clothes?

I can't remember the name of the lint remover I use. But it goes you move in one direction and it picks up the lint and hair and you move in the opposite direction and you can take off the rubbish. It is rectangle shape.

I found that this one is the easiest to clean afterwards. And you don't have to replace the roller.

Best pet-hair remover for clothes?

Before using any type of lint brush, spray Static Cling on your clothes. Static Cling will release the static that holds the pet hair to the cloth. Then either use a lint brush or a pet hair remover brush to finish the job.

Best pet-hair remover for clothes?

Having 2 light haired cats I find that rolls of large sticky tape works best. Cut off about 30cm, roll it back on itself so you can slip it over your fingers and use it to remove the hair.

The best thing for cat hair on chairs is a rubber glove you use for washing dishes, just rub the chairs in one direction and all the hair balls together for easy removal.

Best pet-hair remover for clothes?

I use 3M lint roller for pet hair.. available from coles (or similar) for a few dollars... works a treat- have a couple of dogs that are always shedding hair everywhere and this is the best product I have found.. the roller has sheets (kind of like sticky tape but lots better) that you just tear off when the sheet you are using cant take any more hair.. plus it has cute little pictures of cats and dogs around the border :)

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