Saturday, June 19, 2010

How do I stop statickey hair?

My hair has had alot of static in it the past two days. i normally run dryer sheet over it but im out of them.What else can be done without getiing my hair wet?

How do I stop statickey hair?

dryer sheets sounds crazy works great!!!! :)

How do I stop statickey hair?

rub lotion into your hands then rub it into your hair. not too much or itll look oily.. just whats leftover on your hands after you rub it in.

How do I stop statickey hair?

Static hair usually happens when the weather or your hair is dry. So next time, use lots of conditionner or use hairspray.

Tie your hair up, wear a headband or anything that will get it out of your face.

If you hands are moisturized, you can rub a little lotion and smooth it over your hair

How do I stop statickey hair?

put a light coat of hairspray, not the spritz but the one in the can. if that dosn't work get a heavy hair serum and put a tiny bit on to your dry hair, but not too much because it will look oily.

How do I stop statickey hair?

The best thing I have found is spraying Static Guard on my hair. I would spray it directly onto your hairbrush or comb, then brush you hair with it. Works great!!

How do I stop statickey hair?

Use Bounce!It helps to control the static in your hair.

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